The Taino are among us!

If you have ever paddled a canoe, napped in a hammock, savored a barbecue, smoked tobacco or tracked a hurricane across Cuba, you have paid tribute to the Taíno, the Indians who invented those words, and many more, long before they welcomed Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492.

Their world, which had its origins among the Arawak tribes of the Orinoco Delta, gradually spread from Venezuela across the Antilles in waves of voyaging and settlement begun around 400 B.C. Mingling with people already established in the Caribbean, they developed self-sufficient communities on the island of Hispaniola, in what is now Haiti and the Dominican Republic; in Jamaica and eastern Cuba; in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas. There are some experts who feel the natives in the Florida Everglades were also Taino related. They cultivated yuca, sweet potatoes, maize, beans and other crops as their culture flourished, reaching its peak by the time of European contact.

Greater Antilles

Greater Antilles

Greater Antilles

Some scholars estimate the Taíno population may have reached more than three million on Hispaniola by the end of the 15th century, with smaller settlements elsewhere in the Caribbean. Whatever the number, the Taíno towns described by Spanish chroniclers were densely settled, well organized and widely dispersed. The Indians were inventive people who learned to strain cyanide from life-giving yuca, developed pepper gas for warfare, devised an extensive pharmacopeia from nature, built oceangoing canoes large enough for more than 100 paddlers and played games with a ball made of rubber, which fascinated Europeans seeing the material for the first time. Although the Taíno never developed a written language, they made exquisite pottery, wove intricate belts from dyed cotton and carved enigmatic images from wood, stone, shell and bone.

Stone Zemi

Taino Zemi – Puerto Rico

The Taíno impressed Columbus with their generosity, which may have contributed to their undoing. “They will give all that they do possess for anything that is given to them, exchanging things even for bits of broken crockery,” he noted upon meeting them in the Bahamas in 1492. “They were very well built, with very handsome bodies and very good faces….They do not carry arms or know them….They should be good servants.”

In short order, Columbus established the first American colony at La Isabela, on the north coast of Hispaniola, in 1494. After a brief period of coexistence, relations between the newcomers and natives deteriorated. Spaniards removed men from villages to work in gold mines and colonial plantations. This kept the Taíno from planting the crops that had fed them for centuries. They began to starve; many thousands fell prey to smallpox, measles and other European diseases for which they had no immunity; some committed suicide to avoid subjugation; hundreds fell in fighting with the Spaniards, while untold numbers fled to remote regions beyond colonial control. In time, many Taíno women married conquistadors, combining the genes of the New World and Old World to create a new mestizo population, which took on Creole characteristics with the arrival of African slaves in the 16th century. By 1514, barely two decades after first contact, an official survey showed that 40 percent of Spanish men had taken Indian wives. The unofficial number is undoubtedly higher.

Possibly as many as three million souls—some 85 percent of the Taíno population—had vanished by the early 1500s, according to a controversial extrapolation from Spanish records. As the Indian population faded, so did Taíno as a living language. The Indians’ reliance on beneficent icons known as cemís gave way to Christianity, as did their hal­lucinogen-induced cohoba ceremonies, which were thought to put shamans in touch with the spirit world. Their regional chieftaincies, each headed by a leader known as a cacique, crumbled away. Their well-maintained ball courts reverted to bush.

Given the dramatic collapse of the indigenous society, and the emergence of a population blending Spanish, Indian and African attributes, one might be tempted to declare the Taíno extinct. Yet five centuries after the Indians’ fateful meeting with Columbus, elements of their culture endure—in the genetic heritage of modern Antilleans, in the persistence of Taíno words and in isolated communities where people carry on traditional methods of architecture, farming, fishing and healing.

More than 1,000 years before the Spaniards arrived, local shamans and other pilgrims visited such caves to glimpse the future, to pray for rain and to draw surreal images on the walls with charcoal: mating dogs, giant birds swooping down on human prey, a bird-headed man copulating with a human, and a pantheon of naturalistically rendered owls, turtles, frogs, fish and other creatures important to the Taíno, who associated particular animals with specific powers of fecundity, healing, magic and death.

The cohoba ritual was first described by Friar Ramón Pané, a Hieronymite brother who, on the orders of Columbus himself, lived among the Taíno and chronicled their rich belief system. Pané’s writings—the most direct source we have on ancient Taíno culture—was the basis for Peter Martyr’s 1516 account of cohoba rites: “The intoxicating herb,” Martyr wrote, “is so strong that those who take it lose consciousness; when the stupefying action begins to wane, the arms and legs become loose and the head droops.” Under its influence, users “suddenly begin to rave, and at once they say . . . that the house is moving, turning things upside down, and that men are walking backwards.” Such visions guided leaders in planning war, judging tribal disputes, predicting the agricultural yield and other matters of importance. And the drug seems to have influenced the otherworldly art in Pomier and other caves.

Cahokia Vessel

Cahoba Vessel – Puerto Rico

At Sabana de los Javieles, a village known as a pocket of Taíno settlement since the 1530s, when Enrique, one of the last Taíno caciques of the colonial period, made peace with Spain and led some 600 followers to northeastern Hispaniola. They stayed, married Spaniards and Africans, and left descendants who still retain indigenous traits. In the 1950s, researchers found high percentages of the blood types that are predominant in Indians in blood samples they took here. And a recent nationwide genetic study established that 15 percent to 18 percent of Dominicans had Amerindian markers in their mitochondrial DNA, testifying to the continued presence of Taíno genes. A study published in the Journal Nature, shows that, on average, about 14 percent of people’s ancestry in Puerto Rico can be traced back to the Taino.

Relegated to a footnote of history for 500 years, the Taíno came roaring back as front-page news in 2003, when Juan C. Martínez Cruzado, a biologist at the University of Puerto Rico, announced the results of an island-wide genetic study. Taking samples from 800 randomly selected subjects, Martínez reported that 61.1 percent of those surveyed had mitochondrial DNA of indigenous origin, indicating a persistence in the maternal line that surprised him and his fellow scientists. The same study revealed African markers in 26.4 percent of the population and 12.5 percent for those of European descent.

Dr. Aviles, now a physician in Goldsboro, N.C. who studied genetics in graduate school, and his colleagues have uploaded the ancient Caribbean genomes to a genealogical database called GEDMatch. With the help of genealogists, people can compare their own DNA to the ancient genomes. They can see the matching stretches of genetic material that reveal their relatedness.

We are finding that the Taino are still living among us.

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Earth’s Rarest Minerals

Earth’s rarest minerals

By Jonathan Amos

BBC Science Correspondent, Washington DC

Fingerite from El Salvador is “a perfect storm of rarity”

Scientists have categorised the Earth’s rarest minerals.

None of 2,500 species described is known from more than five locations, and for a few of them the total global supply could fit in a thimble.

The researchers say it is important to hunt down these oddities because they contain fundamental information about the construction of our planet.

Some will also undoubtedly have properties that are useful in technological applications.

The list appears in a paper published in the journal American Mineralogist. It is authored by Dr Robert Hazen, from the Carnegie Institution in Washington DC, and Prof Jesse Ausubel of The Rockefeller University, in New York.

“Scientists have so far tracked down 5,000 mineral species and it turns out that fewer than a 100 constitute almost all of Earth’s crust. The rest of them are rare, but the rarest of the rare – that’s about 2,500 minerals – are only found at five places on Earth or fewer,” Dr Hazen told BBC News.

“And you ask: why study them; they seem so insignificant? But they are the key to the diversity of the Earth’s near-surface environments.

“It’s the rare minerals that tell us so much about how Earth differs from the Moon, from Mars, from Mercury, where the same common minerals exist, but it’s the rare minerals that make Earth special.”


Image copyright R.DOWNS/UOFNEVADA

The entire world’s supply of cobaltarthurite would probably fit into a thimble

Minerals are combinations of chemical elements arranged into crystalline structures. Earth’s rocks are built from different aggregations. Think of feldspar, quartz and mica – these are the ubiquitous species that everyone knows.

But cobaltominite, abelsonite, fingerite, edoylerite – these are examples that will not form unless the “cooking conditions” are absolutely perfect.

The atomic ingredients must sum exactly, the temperature must be precise to the degree, and the pressure will have to be defined in the narrowest of margins.

And then, some will immediately fall apart when they get wet or the sun shines on them.

Edoylerite, metasideronatrite, and sideronatrite are examples of vampire-like minerals that decompose on exposure to light.

Nevadaite is only known from just two locations: Eureka County, Nevada, and a copper mine in Kyrgyzstan

Hazen and Ausubel have put their list of 2,500 species into four broad categories of rarity that speak to the conditions under which they form, how rare their ingredients are, how ephemeral they are, and the limitations on their sampling.

“Fingerite is like a ‘perfect storm of rarity’,” said Dr Hazen.

“It occurs only on the flanks of the Izalco Volcano in El Salvador – an incredibly dangerous place with super-hot fumeroles.

“It’s made of rare elements – vanadium and copper have to exist together, and it forms under an extremely narrow range of conditions. If you just change the ratio of copper to vanadium slightly, you get a different mineral. And every time it rains, fingerite washes away.”

The new catalogue allows scientists to begin to gauge just how large the reserves of a particular mineral ought to be, and where those reserves might be. And for the technologically useful ones, this will have enormous value (although it is often possible to synthesise these minerals industrially).

But the exercise also provides important insights on Earth itself. Many of these minerals would be absent altogether if not for the presence of biology, which moderates the chemical environment in which minerals forms.

In that context, the paper contributes to the Deep Carbon Observatory project, an international venture that seeks to understand carbon’s role in the Earth system.

It is thought there are just over 100 carbon-bearing minerals out there waiting to be found.

Hazenite: Microbial “poop”

Dr Hazen actually has an entry named after him in the catalogue.

Hazenite is only known from Mono Lake, California. It forms when the phosphorus levels in the lake get too high, and the microbes in the water, in order to survive, have to start excreting it from their cells.

The resulting tiny, colourless crystals are essentially microbial “poop”.

“Yes, it’s true – hazenite happens,” said Dr Hazen.

Ichnusaite: Contains the radioactive element thorium and lead-like molybdenum, with only one specimen ever found, in Sardinia

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Grape Agate
What Is Grape Agate?

The Grape Agate gemstone is a relatively new find, 2017, from Indonesia. Although the common name is Grape Agate, these are really Botryoidal Purple Chalcedony. Botryoidal means that round tiny sphere-shaped crystals that have naturally formed together. 

Chalcedony is not scientifically its own mineral species, but rather a form of Quartz in microcrystalline form. It is a form of silica, composed of very fine intergrowths of quartz and moganite.

Chalcedony appears in numerous ways. It sometimes occurs in geodes, lining the cavity with small round blobs. Its agate variety is also found in geodes, commonly lining the outer layer underneath the larger quartz crystals. Chalcedony also forms pseudomorphs after organic material.

A well-known, and most common example is petrified wood, in which the wood has been completely transformed into various colors of chalcedony. In the Petrified Forest National Monument in Arizona, an entire forest was transformed into petrified wood. What is left of the forest can be seen in the myriad of agatized trees.

For most of time, chalcedony was thought to be a ‘fibrous’ variety of cryptocrystalline quartz, but more recently, it was actually discovered to be a combination of quartz and another silicate mineral; moganite (a polymorph of quartz). Both quartz and moganite share the same silicon dioxide (SiO2) chemical composition, but they have varying crystal structures. Moganite is monoclinic, while traditional quartz belongs to the trigonal crystal system. Chalcedony forms with a hexagonal crystal structure. 

As the defining mineral for 7 on the Mohs scale, it is a rather hard mineral and is good for jewelry. The actual name ‘chalcedony’ originated from the latin word ‘Chalcedonius’, which is thought to be derived from ‘Chalcedon’, an ancient seaport of Asia Minor, now Kadikoy, Turkey. 

A common form of chalcedony is compact silica most often found in sedimentary and volcanic environments. Formation occurs over a long period of time, as minerals are slowly deposited into a pocket of another type of rock, such as granite. The most abundant chalcedonic deposits are in areas that host volcanic rock . In many cases, silicon dioxide forms in sometimes readily visible and parallel bands, as seen in banded agate.

Many semi-precious gemstones are in fact forms of chalcedony, although in the gem trade, the name chalcedony usually describes only white or blue chalcedony. 

The more notable varieties of chalcedony are: Agate, Iris Agate, Binghamite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chrome-Chalcedony, Chrysocolla Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Jasper, Dallasite, Orbicular Jasper, Onyx, Sardonyx, Petrified Wood, and Pietersite. Petrified wood is one of the most common forms of chalcedony.

Metaphysical Properties

Grape Agate is a tranquil and gentle stone. It promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. It’s warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It allows for deep and intense levels of meditation in a short period of time. Grape Agate is a crystal of dreams, intuition, and luxury. It is a healing crystal of the crown chakra.

Purple Chalcedony acts as a psychic stimulator and protector, as well as a caller of visions and dreams. Both Purple and Blue Chalcedony activate the third eye chakras, but Purple Chalcedony’s frequency accesses the deepest levels of the subconscious, bringing long-hidden blockages, memories, or patterns into consciousness. It is a powerful stone for journeying consciously through the dream state.

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Peridot August Birthstone
Peridot Crystal
Raw Peridot Crystal
Faceted Peridot Gem
Peridot Gemstone



Ancient Artifacts & Treasures, Inc.

Peridot August’s birthstone (pronounced per-i-dat) is one of the few stones found in only one color. It is gem-quality Olivine. The name Peridot is derived from the Greek word “peridona” with a meaning that runs along the lines of “giving plenty”. The reason for the deep green color with a slight golden hue is due to fine traces of iron in the magnesium rich silicate. It is mined in many locations around the world and is also found in some meteorites (called pallasites).

The friendly and joyous energy of this stone helps to create and seal friendships; clearing the heart and releasing the ego, which in turns cleanses the mind and soul of jealousy and anger – thus bringing about the sense of peace and quiet amusement which leads to solid friendships.

This August birthstone is said to have the wonderful ability to bring vitality and healing to the entire body. It is said to increase confidence, patience and assertiveness (without aggression) simultaneously.

The green color as well as the stone saturates ones life with growth, healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It is at is useful as a balancer of the entire glandular system. It assists with tissue regeneration, purifying the body with the strengthening of the blood. This green stone is also said to reduce fever, aid in digestion and calm the nervous system. Peridot helps heal insect bites as well as the liver and it many faceted improves the health of the eyes.

It is said to strengthen the digestive tract, the metabolism and to be beneficial to the skin as a whole. Peridot is said to be helpful in childbirth when placed on the abdomen to assist in strengthening muscle contractions and lessening the pain.

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