Amethyst – February Birthstone

amethyst gem

Amethyst is a light pinkish violet to a deep purple variety of quartz. The impurities in the amethyst as it is forming, especially iron oxide, cause the range of colors seen in amethyst.

AAT carries many forms of amethyst. We have raw crystals including cathedrals. We also have  jewelry, polished in shapes, and hearts.

amethyst crystals


If you are fortunate enough to have amethyst as your February birthstone, then you will be wearing a gemstone deeply steeped in history and lore.

Royalty has coveted and treasured it for thousands of years. Because of this, it was once reserved for the powerful and wealthy.

The ancient Greeks and medieval Europeans wore amethyst and crushed it into vessels in the belief that it would prevent intoxication.

New Age Properties

This gem is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace. Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past.

Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said that it brings emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one’s life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation.

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November Birthstone Topaz


November Birthstones

Citrine and Topaz


November-born individuals are blessed with two ruling birthstones, the revered Topaz and the healing Citrine.



Topaz is most desired in its rich orange Imperial Topazcolor but it is found in a variety of rich colors like blue, pink and yellow.

The topaz is known for its associated qualities of strength, tenacity, dedication and resilience. It is believed to balance emotions and thoughts for a harmonious lifestyle. The gemstone is used to enhance spirituality, promote wisdom and cut through troubles and confusion to bestow clear thought and reasoning prowess on the wearer of the stone.



Raw CitrineThe warm color of Citrine is said to be a gift from the sun and has taken on the more gentle qualities of men; peace, prosperity, loyalty, healing and creativity. The stone is also known as the ‘Healing Quartz’ in many sects. It is used in making all kinds of jewelry.


Citrine is called The Merchant’s Stone for its properties of increasing monies in the cashbox.

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 Ancient Artifacts & Treasures, Inc.


Sapphire, September’s is a variety of the gem species corundum and occurs in all colors of the rainbow. Pink, purple, green, orange, or yellow corundum are known by their color (pink sapphire, green sapphire, etc). Ruby is the red variety of corundum.  Sapphire is the hardest substance after diamond and often used in industries as an abrasive.

This gem is associated with dignity, loyalty, serenity, faith, purity and wisdom.  The sapphire has been popular since the Middle Ages and, according to folklore, will protect your loved ones from envy and harm.  Medieval clergy wore these gems to symbolize heaven, while commoners thought the gem attracted heavenly blessings.

In olden times, it was common for warriors to gift their wives a necklace made of sapphire to ensure their fidelity. It was believed that the color of this gem would darken if worn by an unfaithful or unworthy person.

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Peridot August Birthstone

Peridot CrystalFaceted Peridot



 Ancient Artifacts & Treasures, Inc.

Peridot (pronounced per-i-dat) is one of the few stones found in only one color. It is gem-quality Olivine. The name Peridot is derived from the Greek word “peridona” with a meaning that runs along the lines of “giving plenty”. The reason for the deep green color with a slight golden hue is due to fine traces of iron in the magnesium rich silicate. It is mined in many locations around the world and is also found in some meteorites (called pallasites).

The friendly and joyous energy of this stone helps to create and seal friendships; clearing the heart and releasing the ego, which in turns cleanses the mind and soul of jealousy and anger – thus bringing about the sense of peace and quiet amusement which leads to solid friendships.

This August birthstone is said to have the wonderful ability to bring vitality and healing to the entire body. It is said to increase confidence, patience and assertiveness (without aggression) simultaneously.

The green color as well as the stone saturates ones life with growth, healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It is at is useful as a balancer of the entire glandular system. It assists with tissue regeneration, purifying the body with the strengthening of the blood. This green stone is also said to reduce fever, aid in digestion and calm the nervous system. Peridot helps heal insect bites as well as the liver and it many faceted improves the health of the eyes.

It is said to strengthen the digestive tract, the metabolism and to be beneficial to the skin as a whole. Peridot is said to be helpful in childbirth when placed on the abdomen to assist in strengthening muscle contractions and lessening the pain.

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